Information Board unveiling

Unveiling of the Friends of Montefiore Woodland’s new Information Board.

Friends of Montefiore Woodland gathered for the unveiling of their new information board last weekend, (Sunday 17th August, 2014). Chairman, Lisa Hunt, explained that the Friends had been working together on the construction and erection of the board for some time, drawing on the knowledge and expertise of the members. She went on to thank Mark, Sue, Martin, Peter, Keith and Nick for their contributions. Donations for the funding of the board had been received from Ramsgate Town Council, Kent International Airport Consultative Committee (KIACC) and the previous Montefiore Action Project. The unveiling was performed by a hard-working member, Dave Welch, together with some of our youngest members.

There was also a seed and plant exchange stall and an informal celebratory picnic in the clearing adjacent to the wildflower meadow. This provided an opportunity for members and their friends and families to socialise and celebrate all that has been achieved by the volunteers during the past two years.

Councillor Michelle Fenner (Sir Moses Montefiore Ward) thanked the volunteers for all their hard work in this very special little woodland in its unique position within an otherwise urban environment. She emphasised that, having been granted Village Green Status, Montefiore Woodland is now protected against potential future development and will remain a green open space and woodland for local residents.

She added “We recognise the importance of this piece of woodland for Ramsgate and urge the public to look after it and to help the Friends of Montefiore Woodland in any way they can.”

NB The video of the information board unveiling can be found at this link

The final Twilight Bat Walk for this summer is planned for Friday 29th August at the earlier time of 8pm (meet in the Clearing). The previous two walks have been well-attended and we all enjoyed using the bat detectors to gain several sightings.

Our Autumnal work parties resume on Sunday 12th October 10am – 1pm collecting litter, strimming the wildflower meadow (plus removal of cuttings), clearing of ground ivy and general tidying of the area .The next FMW committee meeting is on Thursday 25th September, 2014 at 7pm at Montefiore Medical Centre.

For more information visit