About the Friends of Montefiore Woodland
Woods and trees are important for British wildlife and humans alike. They stabilise soil, generate oxygen and woodlands hold a magical alluring quality that makes them such a great place for relaxation and recreational activities. A walk in Montefiore Woodland can give a feeling of peace and tranquility.
A committee of local volunteers has now been formed and the following aims agreed by the group.
Aims & Objectives
- To maintain and improve the natural woodland area in order to conserve the habitat and wildlife.
- To encourage responsible use of the woodland by members of the local community.
- To provide a safe environment for wildlife and to promote such schemes as will benefit and nurture wildlife.
- To preserve the historical character of the community space.
- To promote an awareness of the history of the Woodland and the Montefiore heritage.
- To encourage local residents to take an active role in the group’s activities in line with the Medical Centre’s Well Being programme.
Community Involvement
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM is in March each year (time and venue to be advertised nearer the date). If you wish to join the Committee, please ensure you attend the meeting and e-mail us in advance.
On your walk through the woodland you might meet our friendly local PCSO James Tong. He will happily discuss any concerns within the area although non-emergency incidents should be reported by phoning 101.
Work Activities and Events
Volunteers have been working to improve the site and have been arranging a whole range of activities & events to encourage community involvement. This includes activities such as spring cleaning events, butterfly and moth days and many more to be arranged in the future and will be advertised on our activities page.