About the Friends of Montefiore Woodland


The Friends of Montefiore Woodland was formed in February 2012 after Thanet District Council formally handed over the site to the local community under the stewardship of Ramsgate Town Council in April 2011. Volunteer work parties have been engaged in identifying resident wildlife, improving the site and arranging activities to encourage community involvement.

Friends of Montefiore Woodland History


The Montefiore Woodland site (formerly Lady Judith Montefiore College and Estate) has a fascinating history having at one time been the property of Sir Moses Montefiore. Sir Moses (who was born in 1784), owned "East Cliff Lodge" which stood in what is now King George V1 Park. He became known internationally as a great philanthropist, financier, banker and Sheriff of London and High Sheriff of Kent.



The Montefiore Woodland provides a home for many species of wildlife. The enclosed environment has allowed a variety of plants and animals to live and thrive in this peaceful green space. To see some photos from the woodland click the link below.

Montefiore Woodland Backdrop

Membership & Activities

There is no charge for membership so if you support the aims of the Friends of Montefiore Woodland and would like to receive details of progress and planned activities become a member & fill in our registration form.

Welcome to our Site

Welcome to the Friends of Montefiore Woodland website! Here you will find all the latest news, past and forthcoming activities and general goings on happening at the Woodland.

The Friends of Montefiore Woodland was formed in 2011 and Volunteers have been working to improve the site and have been arranging a whole range of activities & events to encourage community involvement. This includes activities such as spring cleaning events, butterfly and moth days and many more to be arranged in the future and will be advertised here.

Activities & Events

Bat Evening

Get involved by joining in with our activities! Keep up to date on our recent and upcoming events by checking out our activities and news pages.

Committee Members

Our committee is a group of dedicated people who have taken on the responsibility of managing the Friends of Montefiore Woodland group. The committee currently stands as follows:

Chairperson: Lisa Hunt
Treasurer: Jeffery Frampton
Secretary: Sue Smith

David Welch, Cllr Tony Ovenden, Peter Atherall, Ron Williams and Mr Mark Negin.

Committee members are always happy to help and can be contacted via our contacts page or via email at montefiorewoodland@gmail.com or by post c/o:

Customs House
Harbour Parade
CT11 8LP


WW Martin Ltd have kindly made a donation to The Friends of Montefiore Woodland to help contribute towards the cost of maintaining this beautiful woodland.

“As a Kent construction company based in Ramsgate, with a history that stretches back to 1877, we are delighted to have the popportunity to recognise and support the dedication and excellent work of The Friends of Montefiore Woodland.”

“Their commitment to maintaining and improving woodland areas in order to conserve natural habitats and wildlife is to be commended.”

22nd March, 2016

W W MARTIN LtdBen Green, Business Development Manager

I live in Sydney Road Ramsgate which is a stone’s throw away from Montifiore Woods.  I have lived in Sydney Road for thirty years and my family and I have frequently used the woods over the years.  But in the last ten years I have been unable to go into the woods as I had an accident and  badly hurt my ankle and am now disabled. But since the volunteers have cleared it and made safe pathways and places to sit to enjoy the woodland and the wild flower meadow I have once again loved using Montifiore Woods.

To have somewhere you can go that is like being in the country but in town is wonderful.  To hear the birds and see the wildlife is great. There is so much concrete, metal and plastic nowadays that to have a haven of and for wildlife must be treasured. I would like to thank the volunteers for what they have achieved in Montifiore Woods and how much pleasure the woods bring to the local community.

I was really pleased to see a few of the volunteers at an award ceremony that I was attending being held by the Kent Wildlife Trust.  I believe they achieved Bronze for the garden area in the woods. Well done to them all for all their hard work.

We need to safeguard these areas so that they remain as part of our heritage and our children’s and their children’s.


Mrs Kaye Daniels

“I must applaud the Friends of Montefiore Woodland for their hard work. They have shown great community spirit and are taking active steps in preserving the land for the wildlife, while making it a pleasant place for visitors.”

Thanet Girl

Ramsgate councillor Tony Ovenden said:
“The Montefiore woodland is a much loved public open space that is an amazing example of urban woodland.

“The woodland walk will give an educational insight into the diversity of the woodland that I sure people will find most interesting.”

Cllr Tony OvendenRTC