Flora Survey Information

Montefiore Woodland Tree SurveyMontefiore Woodland contains both native and introduced flowering plants.
In some winters here, the vanilla-scented Winter Heliotrope which itself is widespread by this time may be seen flowering in late January or early February on a path leading from the meadow.

Alexanders, once a Roman pot herb is widespread by April, its greenish-yellow heads looking a little like cow parsley, which itself id widespread by this time. Other spring flowers are Lesser Celandine near the entrance on to Dumpton Park Drive and Common Dog Violet and Slender Speedwell along the path to the Synagogue by the wall.

Early summer will bring the most flowers in the seeded meadow (sown 2013) where you may find Scentless Mayweed, Common Poppy, Scorpionweed, Californian Poppy, Corn­flower and the rare Corncockle amongst many others.

Scattered in the woodland is Foetid Iris, a native yellow brown or purple flower tolerant of deep shade, look between May and July and in autumn for its bright red berry fruits. Dog Rose blooms in June at the edge of the meadow. Look also in late summer for the Prickly Lettuce, or Compass Plant whose leaves point north and south in full sun, they are on the edge between the meadow and the wood.

Two widespread species, sometimes considered problematical by conservation­ists are Blackberry and Ivy. However, these provide nesting cover and security for small mammals and birds, nectar sources for a large variety of insects and in the case of Ivy, late flowering when many other species are dead and fruits in winter when sometimes other food sources are scarce, so there needs to be space for all, even if some of the very aggressive species need to be kept in check.

We have only a very small space for so many needs after all!

Plants recorded at Montefiore Woodland

Updated Flora Survey – 31st December, 2023

Common name Scientific name Status*Seen in some years since 2013 * in Wildflower Seed sown 2013
AlexandersSmyrnium olusatrum A2023*
Allium Allium sp2023 *Species undetermined
probably garden origin
American ElderSambucus canadensisNe*
Deciduous shrub , probably bird sown. Noted by Lisa 2022.
AnemoneAnemone spUndetermined* Planted as Wood Anemone Anemone nemorosa (but supplier information incorrect)
Annual meadow-grassPoa annuaNa2023 *Native grass
Barren bromeBromus sterilusA *
BetanyStachys officinalisNa2023Planted 2023
Birdsfoot TrefoilLotus corniculatus Na2023** In seed mix
BittersweetSolanum dulcamaraNa*
Black HorehoundBallota nigraA2023*
Black MedickMedicago lupulinaNa *
Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scriptaNa 2023*1000 bulbs planted 2014
Blue PoppyBlue Poppy Papaver Papaver somniferum ssp hortenseNe2022
New record this year!
Probably bird sown from seed mix.
Bread WheatTriticum aestivumA /Ne2022*
Introduced grass species
Bristly OxtonguePicris echioides A2023*
Broad-leaved Everlasting sweet-peaLathyrus latifoliusNe*
Broad-leaved SpurgeEuphorbia platyphyllosA *
Broad-leaved willow herbEpilobium montanum Planted here *
Bulbous ButtercupRanunculus bulbousNa2023 *
Bush VetchVicia sepiumNa2023*
Californian PoppyEschscholzia californicaNe *
Sinapis arvensis
CleaversGalium aparineNa2023
Common BentAgrostis capillarisNa grass *
Cock’s FootDactylis glomerata Na 2023 ** in seed mix
Common Couch
Common Chickweed
Stellaria media Na
2023 *
Common Dog VioletViola riviviana Na 2023 *
Common Evening PrimroseOenothera biennisNe *
Common Fumitory Fumaria officinalis A *
Common KnapweedCentaurea nigraNa2023 *
Common MallowMalva sylvestris Na 2022 *
Common Mouse-earCerastium fontanumNa*
Common Poppy Papaver rhoeas A*
Common Ragwort Senecio jacobaeaNa2023 *
Common SorrelRumex acetosaNa2023 *
Common ToadflaxLinaria vulgarisNa2023 *
Common VetchVicia sativaNa2022 *
Corncockle Agrostemma githagoA2023 *Origin uncertain
see NB below
Cornflower Centaurea cyanusA2023 ** in seed mix
Cow Parsley Anthriscus sylvestris Na 2023 *
Creeping BentAgrostis stoloniferaNa2023 *Native grass
CowslipPrimula verisNa2022*Native but planted here.
Creeping ButtercupRanunculus repensNa*
Creeping ThistleCirsium arvenseNa*
Cuckoo PintArum maculatumNa2023 *Native, in lane
Cut-leaved CranesbillGeranium dissectumNa2023 *
DaffodilNarcissus speciesC2023 *Cultivated plant here species uncertain.
DaisyBellis perennisNa2022*
Dame’s -VioletHesperis matronalisNe*
Danish ScurvygrassCochlearia danicaNa *
Dandelion Taraxacum agg.Na 2022*
Dog Rose Rosa caninaNa 2023 *
Dove’s-foot Crane’s-billGeranium molleNa*
Eastern RocketSisymbrium orientaleNe *
Equal-leaved KnotgrassPolygonum arenastrumA*
False oat-grassArrhenatherum elatiusNa 2022 *Native grass
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare A *
Field BindweedConvolvulus arvensisNa2022 *
Field Mouse-earCerastium arvenseNa*
Field PennycressThlaspi arvenseA *
FlaxLinum usitatissimumNe *
Foetid Iris (Stinking)Iris foetidissimaNa2023 *
Forget-me-not Myosotis Na 2022*Species uncertain
possible garden origin
FoxgloveDigitalis purpureaNa *
Garden Grape-hyacinthMuscari armeniacumN2023Garden origin
Garden ParsleyPetroselinum crispumA*
Great MulleinVerbascum thapsusNa ** in seed mix
Garlic MustardAlliaria petiolataNa 2022 *
Greater PerewinkleVinca majorNe *
Greater StitchwortStellaria holosteaNa *
Great willowherbEpilobium hirsutumNa *
Groundsel Senecio vulgarisNa *
Green AlkanetPentaglottis sempervirensNe2023 *
Hart’s Tongue FernPhyllitis scolopendriumNa2023 *Native fern in wall
Hawkweed Ox tonguePicris hieracioidesNa2022 *
Hedge BedstrawGalium mollugoNa *
Herb RobertGeranium robertianumNa2023 *
Hoary WillowherbEpilobium parviflorumNa*
HonestyLunaria annuaNe2022 *
Hop TrefoilTrifolium campestreNa2022*
Ivy-leaved ToadflaxCymbalaria muralisNe2023 *
Kidney VetchAnthyllis vulnerariaNa2023Planted here in 2023
Lacy PhaceliaPhacelia tanacetifolia Ne *Appeared in 2013 after meadow seeded, but not in seed-mix
Lady’s BedstrawGalium verumNa2023 *
Lady’s SmockCardamine pratensisNa2023 *Native, but planted here
Large BindweedCalystegia silvaticaNe2023 *
Lesser CelandineRanunculus ficaria Na2023*
LongleafFalaria vulgarisne*
Love-in-a-mistNigella damascenaNe2022*
LucerneMedicago sativa ssp sativaNe2023 *
Marigold (Pot)Calendula officinalisNe *Garden escape or more likely planted.
Meadow ButtercupRanunculus acrisNa2022*
Meadow FescueFestuca pratensisNa *
Meadow FoxtailAlopecurus pratensis Na ** In seed mix
Meadow oat-grassHelictotrichon pratenseNa*
Mugwortartemisia vulgarisA*
NipplewortLapsana communisA*
OrpineSedum telephiumNa2023 *Native, but planted here.
Ox eye daisyLeucanthemum vulgareNa2023 *
Pellitory-of-the-wallParietaria officinalisNa2022 *
Perennial Rye-grassLolium perenneNa grass2023 *
Prickly LettuceLactuca serriola A *
Perennial Sow-ThistleSonchus arvensisNa*
Pink SorrelOxalis articulartaNeo2022 *
Prickly sow thistleSonchus asper Na *
Primrose Primula vulgaris C ?2023 *Probable garden origin
RamsonsAllium ursinumNa*Origin uncertain
Red CampionSilene dioicaNa*
Red CloverTrifolium pratenseNa2023 *
Red Dead-nettle Lamium purpureumA2023 *
Red ValerianCentranthus ruberNeo *Ne
Ribwort PlantainPlantago lanceolata Na *
Rough Meadow grassPoa trivialisNa2023 *Native grass
Ribwort PlantainPlantago lanceolataNa *
SainfoinOnobrychis sylvaticaNa / alien*Chalk grassland form thought to be native, but probably alien here
Scarlet PimpernelAnagallis arvensis Na *
SelfhealPrunella vulgarisNa*
Scentless MayweedTripleurospermum inodorum A ** See NB Below
Slender SpeedwellVeronica filiformisNe*
Smaller Cat’s-tailPhleum bertoloniiNa grass *
Small ScabiousScabiosa columbaria Na ** See NB Below
Smooth Meadow GrassPoa pratensisNa*Native grass
Smooth Sow-thistleSonchus cleraceusNa*
Soft BromeBromus hordeaceusNa *Native grass
Spear ThistleCirsium vulgare Na 2023 *
Spotted MedickMedicago arabicaNa *
Square-stalked WillowherbEpilobium tetragonumNa *
Stinking Mayweed/ChamomileAnthemis cotulaA*
Summer SnowflakeLeucojum aestivumNe2023 *Formerly thought to be native in parts of GB now considered to be introduced.
Sweet AlisonLobularia maritimaNe *
Sweet VioletViola odorataNa*
Sweet WilliamDianthus barbatusNe *planted or garden escape
Tall FescueFestuca arundinaceaNa grass2023 *
Tall MelilotMelilotus altissimusA *
TeaselDipsacus fullonumNa2023 ** in seed mix
Three-cornered GarlicAllium triquetrumNe2023 *
Timothy Phleum pratense Na 2023 ** in seed mix
Upright BromeBromus erectusNa*
Upright hedge-parsleyTorilis japonicaNa2022*Identified with note from Alan
Viper’s BuglossEchium vulgareNa** in seed mix
White CampionSilene latifoliaA2023 *
White Clover Trifolium repensNa2023 *
White Melilot Melilotus albusNe*
Wild CarrotDaucus carota Na2023 ** in seed mix
Wild ClarySalvia verbenaca, Na *
Wild OatAvena fatuaA grass*A grass
Winter heliotrope Petasites fragransNe2023 *
Wood AnemoneAnemone nemorasaNa2023 *Planted here
Wood Avens Geum urbanum Na 2023 *
Wood DockRumex sanguineusNa *
WoodruffGalium oderatumNa *
YarrowAchillea millefoliumNa** in seed mix
Yellow RattleRhinanthus minorNa2023 ** in seed mix but failed.

Sown from seed annually in patches from 2016 onward.

(unknown common name – if any)
Polyporus squamosus

2020 – identified growing on a dead tree
New sighting this year!
squamosos – meaning “scale-like”

It is covered in large brown adpressed scales and is said to be edible when young – not that we have tried nor recommend!

The following ferns were purchased and planted according to their labels in March/April 2020
but sadly were all removed by persons unknown by mid-May!
Lady FernAthyrium -felix-feminaN2020
Hard – FernBlechnum spicantN2020
Soft Shield – FernPolystichum setiferumN2020
Royal – FernOsmanda regalisN2020

NB Corn Cockle: A most interesting observation seen in meadow from 21st July, 2013 in small numbers. Formerly a widespread cornfield “weed”. Declined dramatically in the 20th Century with improved seed cleaning. An ancient introduction, probably from the Eastern Mediterranean with the spread of cultivation  into Temperate Europe from 2500 BC onwards. Now almost extinct in Britain, but occurs in Ranscombe Farm, Cuxton. First record in Kent dates from 1629. Now a component of wildflower seed mixtures, but not given in list of species in the meadow seed mix broadcast at Montefiore Woodland in the spring of 2013. origin uncertain.

NB Lacy Phacelia / Scorpion-weed: Not quoted in meadow seed mix, origin uncertain.

NB Scentless Mayweed: Dominant in meadow 2013 but not quoted in seed-mix list, origin uncertain

NB Small Scabious? Error in meadow seed mix list Far Field Scabious, otherwise source uncertain?

Trees and shrubs shown as present in 2012 list and still extant in 2013 (not included in this list).

Our thanks to Peter for his time and effort!