big butterfly count report 19th July, 2015 + Work Party
Following rain at breakfast, it was pleasing to see the sun appear and become an ideal day for our scheduled big butterfly count.
Our count today was as follows:
2 Large White,
7 Small White,
2 Marbled White,
1 Small Skipper,
3 Gatekeeper,
7 Meadow Brown,
5 Speckled Wood,
1 Red Admiral, (on Buddleia by Paydens)
1 Peacock, (on Buddleia by Paydens)
1 Silver Y Moth
The big butterfly count is a nationwide survey aimed at helping us assess the health of our environment. It was launched in 2010 and has rapidly become the world’s biggest survey of butterflies.
Butterflies and moths are an important element of the food chain and are prey for birds, bats and other insectivorous animals (Blue Tits eat an estimated 50 billion moth caterpillars each year).
Butterflies and moths have been recognised as indicators of biodiversity. Their fragility makes them quick to react to change so their struggle to survive is a serious warning about our environment.
big butterfly count survey takes place from 17th July – 19th August, 2015. Simply count butterflies for 15 minutes during bright (preferably sunny) weather during the big butterfly count. This time of year is chosen because most butterflies are at the adult stage of their lifecycle, so more likely to be seen. Records are welcome from anywhere: from parks, school grounds and gardens, to fields and forests.
For more information:
Many thanks to the members who came along today.