Butterfly Activity Day – Sunday 27th May, 12 noon – 2:30pm (To coincide with Save our Butterflies Week.)
The day dawned in beautiful sunshine and the temperature was almost too hot at least 22C, possibly higher in the Clearing! Concern was expressed that people would head for the beach as it was the first really warm day this year. Despite this, we had a steady trickle of visitors approx 20 in total, several new to the woodland. Various breeding birds were pointed out, and the bushes were artistically displayed with Butterfly photos. Children’s activities had been organised and tables were strewn with information leaflets on Butterflies and Moths (obtained free of charge from Butterfly Conservation) and were handed out to visitors.
Several walks were led around the woodland pointing out hot-spots for butterflies and species that may be seen at various times of the year and with the superb weather we saw a total of: 50 Green Longhorns, 13 Small White, 33 Holly Blue, 6 Speckled Wood, 1 Comma and 2 Red Admiral, 1 Common Blue Damselfly, 1 Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly.